2022 business trends including no-code

2022 Trends for Small Businesses To Consider

August 16, 2022

The effects of the global pandemic were not only been felt on global healthcare but also inthe economy.  Most affected by this aresmall and emerging businesses that don’t have yet the capability to shift so easily.

According to PNAS’ (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)survey of 5,800 small businesses, 43% of the businesses have temporarily closed almost all of them caused by Covid-19.

As vaccination and booster shots are being distributed, business is slowly picking up. Economists are optimistic that the economy can see a global growth of 4%. Federal and local support will also be amped up for small businesses which can mean a happier 2022. With this positive outlook, business owners should plan and bank on business trends that can give their business a boost.  If you are looking for 2022 small business trends, then read on to see how to fit that with your business goals and targets.

2022 Trends for Small Businesses

Covid-19’seffect can still be felt by next year. The only difference is we see a slow and steady transition to it. Some of the practices and habits formed during thistime might stick especially now that people and companies saw an alternative.

1.       Continued growth of e-commerce

When the pandemic forced everyone locked inside their homes, online shopping for basic and not so basic things became a norm With the convenience it provided, e-commerce will continue to grow until 2022.This led the way for some businesses to complete the transition online reducing or even totally closing their brick-and-mortar store. According to Statista, retail e-commerce sales including digital services are set to surpass one trillion U.S. dollars in the United States by 2022.

If you are planning to transition to ecommerce, having your website is the most optimal idea. While doing with Amazon means more eyeballs for your products, it can also mean more fees and charges. Having your own website frees you from that and you can more about it in our article HERE.  

One of the major misconceptions is that website development can be expensive and takes time to launch. If you are planning on a simple yet functional website, you can opt to have a no-code website and no-code app. It is a development tool that can launch faster so you can sell better than usual coding.

2.       Cashless payment

As online sales grew in popularity, so did cashless payments. Experts noted that Covid-19 has accelerated our transition to a cashless society.   This mode has been very useful for touchless payment to reduce physical contact in offline stores. Cashless payments include credit / debit cards, digital wallets and payment apps.  This mode of payment has been a norm for some chain stores and it’s time small businesses adopt it as well.

3.       Employee satisfaction, workplace and engagement

With the Great Resignation of 2021 in the US, many workers are leaving their employers with around 3% as of September data. With employees seeing the benefit of remote working, many are compelled to leave their current jobs that can fit their personal needs and desires.  Employers who won’t provide flexibility and variety in their working environment will struggle to attract and retain workers.  

Not only that, but taking care of your employees’ mental health has become important. You want your employees to be in their best state when they are clocking in for the day.

For small businesses, providing flexible schedules and automation can provide an incentive for employees to stay. After all, the cost of retaining a current employee is much lower than training a new one. Providing work automation means more time for employees and even the opportunity to work from home. The good news is that you don’t have to spend much on automation. No-code platforms can provide software to automate repeated tasks and can reduce work from hours in mere minutes. A no-code agency (like us here at Estel!) can customize apps for your business for faster turnaround.

4.       More aggressive digital marketing activities

Digital marketing includes email marketing, social media marketing. and even influencer marketing has become an essential for businesses of all sizes. This allows your business to tap customers outside your state and even outside the country. With Facebook ramping up its Metaverse transition, digital marketing has become vital to small businesses.

Live streaming, social shopping, and vlog features are just some of the marketing trends you can start with to introduce your brand online.  

5.       Artificial intelligence for you business

Artificial Intelligence or AI might sound futuristic when you hear it. Today, AI helps businesses streamline some tasks and can eventually save time and manpower. It’s actually a lot close to home than you think.  Here are some applications of AI for small businesses:

  • Chatbots for websites and social media pages
  • Facial recognition for security
  • Fraud detection systems
  • Customized ads in social media platforms
  • Smart assistants


2022 is a hopeful year that we can start building the economy again after the pandemic. What better time to strike than investing in key trends that can boost your business faster and better. If you have survived the pandemic, this is time to strike and make your business stronger. If cost is a barrier, think of alternatives like utilizing no-code for your business. It’s a fast and practical choice especially if you’re looking at a simple setup for your business.

Ready to face 2022 with a no-code website, no-code app, and software? ESTEL can assist you with that! We are a no-code agency with Adalo-certified experts to help your business. Click HERE to start your FREE CONSULTATION CALL and get started today.
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