hyperautomation no-code

How to Apply Hyperautomation with No-Code

August 16, 2022

Businesses of all sizes saw the importance of digitization and automation as we went through the pandemic. Now that COVID-19 has become more controllable and the economy is opening up, we see businesses become more open with utilizing technology. No-code platforms had been gathering speed since last year because it lets you build an app or website easily making launches faster (and more affordable) than traditional coding.  It will also enable a technology that can optimize operational agility – hyperautomation.

What is hyperautomation and how pairing it with no-code can boost your business to success?

But first, what is Hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation refers to a framework and a collection of advanced technologies that aim for automation in the enterprise.  The ultimate goal of hyperautomation is to create a system that can cut costs, boost productivity within the organization and gain efficiencies. However, its utmost goal is to create a system that can rapidly validate and organize data in an organization.

The term was first used in 2019 by the IT research and advisory firm, Gartner. The concept reflects the insight that roboticprocess automation (RPA) technology is set to be a scaling tool for enterprises. It involves identifying what functions can be automated, selecting the tool that fits, driving agility with the use of automated processes, and extending their capabilities using different versions of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning).

Gartner said process-agnostic tools such as RPA, LCAP, and AI will drive the hyperautomation trend because they are flexible and can be used in other areas of business. The research firm is projecting 54% growth in these process-agnostic tools that can significantly impact the market.

There are various technologies that you can consider when planning to do hyperautomation. One technology may not be sufficient for the problem at hand. These are some of the technologies usually involved in a hyperautomation project:

Process mining and task mining tools

These can be used to identify and prioritize automation opportunities based on the objective.

No-code/ Low Code

No-code is seen as an automation development tools for reduced effort and costs to build.  These also include RPA, iPaaS for integrations, and workload automation tools.

Business Logic Tools

These include intelligent business process management, decision management and business rules management.

AI and Machine learning tools

These learning tools enable automation to extend its capabilities.  Some examples of these tools are natural language processing (NLP), optical character recognition, machine vision, virtual agents and chatbots.

Doing this can disrupt some aspects of the business and you might wonder if it is worth it. If you’re in doubt, here are some of the benefits of implementing hyperautomation to your business

·        cost-efficient automation

·        improves collaboration between technical and non-technical teams

·        enhanced security and governance

·        faster adoption of AI and machine learning into business processes

·        more accurate metrics for digital efforts


How no-code will impact Hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation is a new concept born out of a time when technology adoption has been accelerated by Covid 19. No-code is a tool that can help organizations maximize the recovery by making it efficient and less expensive than regular coding.

Rise of Hybrid Work

Hybrid work is a concept from the pandemic that enables an employee to work some time remotely and some time at the office. The Great Resignation of 2021 proved how people are more comfortable with it and willing to look at other prospects if companies mandate a return to office policy.

No-code development will be beneficial in providing efficiency, retention, and employee satisfaction. With the remote status, employees would want natural desire for low-friction experiences that will encourage more of them to create and use no-code apps that will simplify and streamline their work lives. By utilizing no-code platforms, employees from any department have a chance to be can be creative with technology that can help their job. This kind of behavior can encourage a self-starting culture that can think on its feet sparking innovation across the different sectors of the organization.

Drive Hyperautomation to Mainstream

According to Gartner, hyperautomation will be big among enterprises and can be one of the top three drivers for low-code adoption in 2022.

As businesses see the benefit of hyperautomation, there might be a constraint in the budget for other tools. However, with no-code, it is more affordable, accessible, and faster. Considering the fact that inter-department processes are the backbone of digital enterprises, automated systems can constantly optimize the way people, processes, and technology interact and speed up innovation.

No Code Hyperautomation and the Future

As we have read, no-code platforms offer significant operational advantages with hyperautomation by democratizing technology that can create applications with minimal infrastructure configuration. It is ideal for helping businesses solve many common problems with application integrations, workflow automation, websites, and mobile applications to name a few.

In a time where digitization is becoming an essential rather than an option for business, hyperautomation’s adoption period may be a shorter one. Partnering it with no-code allows you to put an extra to that hyper for business success.

Ready to hyperautomate? Estel is here for you! We have a team of expert developers, seasoned project managers and creative designers to build that app, website or automation for you. Click HERE to book a schedule today.

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