No-code Leadership

Leadership Trends in 2023

February 3, 2023

Businesses have gone through a lot in the past few years. The business landscape has completely changed from a global pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and inflation. Even the workplace has changed as remote working became a norm and more digitized. As we discuss in our article, The Future of Work with No-Code, we saw that apart from technology the employees are changing as well.  With all these changes, management has to transform as well. 

Leadership is all about steering your business and your team in the right direction. However, with all these updates happening, the old rules have to be changed or modified to fit them. One of the top reasons why employees resign is bosses who do now know how to be leaders. The Great Resignation has been driven by the fact that some businesses haven't adjusted to the change pandemic brought to the employees. This is why there is a need for managers and leaders to assess new ways to engage and motivate their staff. 

2023 sees the rise of technology that can be used by businesses to optimize and automate their processes. No-code development is also helping businesses harness technology better. Because of its graphic interface, people with no solid technical experience can build apps, websites and software even with minimal tech background. With newly accessible technology, we see the workplace changing even more as automation and remote working continues. 

Leadership in the New Year

Practicing Hybrid Leadership

One of the biggest drivers of The Great Resignation in 2022 was the refusal of businesses to create a flexible working setup. According to a survey, 35% of respondents wouldn't consider a new job if it didn't provide the option to work remotely. After all, remote work has been effective in most businesses with improved productivity and output. It also gave the perspective that remote work is now possible with the technology that we have right now. Most companies nowadays are offering a hybrid work setup that allows a mix of on-site and remote work. An Accenture report found that 63% of high-revenue growth companies are adopting hybrid workforce models.

With this new setup, managers need to evolve as onsite and remote work management is different. This marks the introduction of hybrid leadership. Shifting from onsite to remote has some challenges like not being able to see what theta re working on and even a challenge in cultivating a bond. However, hybrid leadership aims to give your team a chance to work on their own time and convene during on-site work to align. However for this to work, team members must have a clear knowledge of their output and also provide trust to deliver. 

Checking on Employee Well-Being

One of the challenges many battled with during the pandemic was maintaining good mental health. Leaders who practice empathy can build stronger relationships and improve morale. As remote work continues, you won't have visibility and therefore must ensure that team members are working in their capacity. By prioritizing wellness, you can make sure that your team will prevent burnout which will eventually lead to a resignation. 

This might seem to be a far cry from the previous generation’s workstyle which didn't really create programs to address this. However, studies say that focusing on well-being improves productivity, decreases absenteeism, and even lessens turnovers. 

With the growing creator economy, millennials and Gen Z know they have more options in building a career. However, a management style that acknowledges wellness and work-life balance can be a factor in improving team relationships. Leaders must work for and behave with their teams with respect. Showing empathy towards the workforce during any crisis builds a loyal team. Back then, empathy is not considered to be a key trait of a manger but this new generation of workers require humanity. 

Augmenting Technology to Empower the Team 

New technology like no-code development, automation and even artificial intelligence is within reach of every business size. According to a Gartner survey, businesses are now increasing their investments in digitization of the business. Businesses are also turning into hyperautomation in aligning and optmizing business processes. No-code is also being used in hyperautomation to quickly process software that can be customzied with the business/ If you want to know more about it read it HERE

No-code development has been contributing a lot in business growth not only for startups and small businesses but also for large multinational companies. With its visual development, its easy to have citizen developers in your team. . Citizen developers are team members who create application capabilities for consumption by themselves or others, using tools within company regualtions. The use of no-code for your team can mean expanding their abilities which is useful specially in a skills gap crisis and also broadening their skills. On top of that, you can create custom applications or software that can improve team functionality. 

Aside from that you can also integrate technology such as automation to improve approvals within the team such as documents and even scheduled vacation leaves if your company doesnt have one. Automation can save a lot of time and money which can be great for your department and alos improve team morale. In an automated leadership, there is a chance to reduce the complexity as it provides additional resources for you by allowing easier workflow. 

Evolution of the Workplace Affects Leadership 

The workplace post-pandemic has evolved and we see the changes still happening in 2023. With challenges still looinmgin in 2023 like recession, a manager must be able to adapt. Mindset of current and new employees are also changing as well as the role of technology. That is why leaders should continue to learn something new as therse changes unfold. 

If you have a workplace no-code project that you’d like to start with your team, find a team of experts to help you. We are a team with proven results and tried process to make it a reality. Schedule a call HERE today so we can talk about it. 
Check our past projects HERE and see the scope of our work. Check our Build in Public page to see the current projects status and how fast we are working on it. 
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