no code tools in web3

No-Code as a Tool in Web3

August 16, 2022

There’s a new world out there and it’s talking about Web 3.0.You might have heard the buzz whether on social media or tech news giants. Web 3.0 or simply Web3, has become such a buzzword that some people have different definitions of it. Venture capitalists (VCs) have been raising money for businesses developing Web3 apps o get ahead of the game. Now that the world is transitioning to a post-pandemic world where digital adoption co-exists with old habits, Web3 can indeed be the next best thing.

How will web3 impact SaaS companies and what are the possibilities with no-code? If you want to know more, this article will explore more about Web3, how can it impact the future and how no-code can fit in all of it.

What is Web3 anyway?

To fully understand what is Web3, you have to go back to its predecessors, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. With Web 1.0, it was a time of static webpages and raw HTML. Data was hosted on centralized servers and directly accessed by monolithic websites with a direct connection with the database. Then came 2.0, the internet phase that we are currently on. it is known as the dynamic web. Data is migrated to different applications in public, private, and hybrid clouds. Content creation is more diverse, websites are more interactive, and the introduction of artificial intelligence.

Web3 is built upon the core concepts of decentralization, openness, and greater user utility. It was first coined by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2014 and the key concept of Web3 is use of a decentralized blockchain-based system to store users’ data on the blockchain and give them control of their data. In the Web3 concept, the data will be stored in the form of information (meaningful data) that’s easy to understand and collaborate by both, people, and computers.

What are the defining features of Web3?


Since information would be found based on its content it could be stored in multiple locations simultaneously will de decentralized.  This is a far cry from the current set-up where massive databases are currently held by Internet giants like Facebook (now Meta) and Google. In this system, it can break down the intermediaries and would provide more control to users

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

In Web3, these two will understand and process information almost the same as humans through technologies based upon Semantic Web concepts and natural language processing. There will be also more use of machine learning that will use data as an algorithm thus predicting and analyzing human behavior. From a marketing perspective, this will provide a clearer picture of your customer’s digital footprint and provide targeted ads.

Stronger connectivity

Since it is decentralized, content can be accessed in different locations at the same time.

Decentralized networks

The continuous growth of decentralized networks based on blockchain technology. The network runs on a peer-to-peer protocol and can be accessed anywhere in the world. The internet-connected devices would host websites or applications rather than the high-powered servers of tech giants. It promises to give back control to the users by maintaining ownership of their data.


No-code in Web 3.0

How does no-code fit in this newest phase of web evolution? They have more in common and will be more relatable than ever. Web3 and no-code both share the common goal of encouraging non-technical people to engage with technology even better. Both envision a society where more people are creators harnessing tech that was initially deemed for programmers and developers.  It can empower people to create tools and manage their personal data, finances, and other digital assets.

Right now, several platforms can let you build no-code dApps. dApps are short for decentralized applications that run on the blockchain or a P2P network whereby multiple participants are consuming content, feeding or seeding content, or simultaneously performing both functions.

For now, there are limited options for no-code in Web. However, platforms like Bunzz help bridge Web3 and no-code users. They are the world's first platform that lets citizen developers, software developers and businesses create dApps without knowing how to code and even without prior knowledge o blockchain and Web3.  Their unique modular structure as User Interface enables smart contracts to be combined easily and quickly.

Other platforms like ICME allows users to build customizable websites, NFTs, and DAOs through visual building.  These platforms enable project founders to review and revise their products without relying heavily on developers.

No-code is the future alongside Web 3

Since we are at the forefront of Web3, we can expect a lot more changes since this is where the internet is headed. We can also expect no-code’s role to be bigger as it evolves to be more compatible to Web 3.0. We are betting that we will see more of these two as the future unravels before our eyes.

Isn’t the future exciting with no-code? Let’s have a talk and see if your business is Web3 ready or we can still stick around Web 2.0 for a while. All we know is that no-code can be a perfect tool in bringing it to life. Click HERE to schedule a call today.




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