What to Read

no-code milestones in 2022

2022 No-Code Milestones

December 22, 2022

No doubt about it, 2022 was a big year for no-code. The pandemic accelerated no-code adoption in businesses and increased the number of users from IT and even non-tech fields. What are the key moments that made no-code bigger this year?

No-Code Estel Studio 2022 Learning as a No-Code Agency

Our No-Code Agency's 2022 Lessons

December 15, 2022

2022 was a big year for no-code as pioneer platforms leveled up their games and new players have come in the scene. No-code Investments from organizations has almost doubled since 2020. As this year comes to a close, we want to share the lessons Estel Studio learned.

No-Code Tech Trends

2023 Tech Trends To Do With No-Code

December 9, 2022

As 2022 ends, we saw how technology has impacted the way we live as we slowly went back to the post-pandemic world. Metaverse and cryptocurrency have gone mainstream. online shopping an essential and applying no-code development. What will 2023 hold for tech and no-code?

No-Code Freelancing Tips

No-Code Freelancers

December 2, 2022

The Great Resignation of 2021 proved how valuable a work-from-home setup has been for employees. Apart from that, the creator economy is booming and people are reconsidering an 8 to 5 job. As freelancing grows, how will no-code enrich this new segment of workers?

Applicant with Resume for No-Code In Office

No-Code as a Solution to the Skills Gap

November 24, 2022

The skills gap has been steadily growing for the past years. in US alone, it is expected to cost companies a loss of $8.5 trillion by end of 2030. STEM has one of the biggest gaps and it is felt as businesses increases investments in automation and digitization of business. How will no-code solve this gap?



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